Local Islahi Committee
In the words of Khlalifa 4 th (rah):
“The Reformative Committee should comprise of people who possess deep insight
(those who truly know what’s going on in the Jamaat at a grass-roots level.). They
should be able to sense evil and realize where its stench is coming from, and, even if an
evil is invisible, their sharp senses should warn them that danger is lurking and they
should remove it before it actually becomes a disease.
Islahi committee’s job is to address local issues and bring the solutions to local Amila for
implementation. This can be broken down into three sections:
1. Assessment:
2. Education/Awareness:
3. Conflict Resolution:
The LIC should meet every other month and when needed in between.
The chairman is to ensure that at least three separate well documented attempts have been made at reconciliations. Help us by making sure to note time, date, and details shared in a concise manner. The local Islahi Committee chairman would then share these attempts with national. You may reach out to the National Islahi Committee at any time throughout the process. The local president should be copied on any escalation emails.
If the president is approached, he has the full right to manage these issues privately. Should he find the need, he may hand over the matter to the Local Islahi Committee as well. This would then become the responsibility of the LIC.
Any matters that pertain to any conflict between two parties, matrimonial or other, will now be handled by the Local Islahi Committee. Should the committee come to an agreement with the two parties, and that agreement is broken by any of the parties, it would then be escalated to National Amoor-e-Aama department to be enforced.
A good rule of thumb: handle these matters as you would want such matters to be handled if it involved your own family members.
The Holy Prophet (saw) stated:
“Meetings are to be kept under trust (confidential)” (Sunan Abi Dauood)
Furthermore, Huzoor (aba) states:
“It is incumbent on the officeholders to accomplish their pledges and their trusts and to
properly fulfill what they have been entrusted with.”
All matters of tarbiyat that need addressing should be taken to the LIC. In the words of Khalifa 4 th (rah):
“The task of the Reformative Committee is to sense and inform the Jamaat, to present these issues during Aamilah meetings, and then the Majlis Aamilah, in its collective capacity, not relying on just one office-holder but sometimes two or three office-holders, will need to be tasked to address this matter. Sometimes, the Tarbiyyat Secretary will be involved and in some cases the Finance Secretary will be needed.”
In general, no specific names should be brought for discussion to the Amila unless it be a exceptional circumstance. Refer to the first FAQ question to see what matters should be addressed.
LIC should limit its scope to reformative efforts in matters of faith. Members should be encouraged to report any criminal activity to the police. They don’t need Jamaat’s permission to report any crime to authorities.