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Responsibilities of Tarbiyat Secretaries as per Rules of Tehrik e Jadid

Responsibility Of Secretary Tarbiyat


He shall familiarize the members with the teachings of Islam and Ahmadiyyat


He shall see that the members observe the basics of their faith viz. daily prayers, fasting during Ramadan, payment of Zakat, performance of Hajj. He shall also see that members regularly attend the Friday Prayer. He shall also see that the members inculcate the habit of honest and fair dealings. He shall also strive to eradicate un-Islamic practices, if any, from the members of the Jama’at.


He shall look after the education and training of the members. He may adopt the following means for the purpose:


Arrange dars of the following in local Jama’ats:

The Holy Qur’an

The Ahadith

Books written by Promised Messiah (as) and his Malfuzat


Arrange lectures, seminars and Tarbiyati classes for moral and spiritual training of the children, youth and the elders of the Jama’at


Motivate the members of the Jama’at that they regularly watch and listen to the Friday Sermon delivered by Hadrat Khalifatul Masih and make necessary arrangements for this purpose


Publish leaflets and pamphlets for this purpose


Personally contact the less active members


Give publicity to the moral teachings of Islam


He shall continuously make assessment of the state of Tarbiyat of the members of the Jama’at with respect to the fundamentals of Islam and adopt appropriate measures for this purpose


He shall see that Nau Mubayeen (newly converted Ahmadis) receive proper Tarbiyat and they are informed of their obligations and responsibilities as Ahmadis


He shall be responsible for the management of Jama’ats mosques


He shall motivate female members of the Jama’at to observe Purdah (veil) and enlist the help of Lajna Ima’illah and family heads for this purpose


He shall continuously remind the members of the Jama'at to develop the habit of praying to Allah


He shall educate the members of the Jama’at about the importance of Nizam Khilafat and train the Jama’at to always to uphold the institution of Khilafat and always obey Hadrat Khalifatul Masih

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