Salat Centers
A local mosque or member’s home where a minimum of 2 Ahmadis Muslims, living within 10-15 minute drive time, gather to say at least one congregational prayer during most weekdays. An Ahmadi Muslim family saying congregational salat at home, while commendable, does not meet this definition.
This is up to the local membership. You can start gathering for any congregational prayer that is agreed upon by the local members.
While it’s not mandatory, we do not exclude women/children from this blessing. If the female members of the host family are willing, there is no prohibition. If you must bring kids with you, make sure they observe discipline. Leaving kids to run around and create disorder will jeopardize the success of your center.
It’s the responsibility of Jama’at Tarbiyat secretary to implement this initiative under the guidance of local Jama’at President.
We encourage the whole Jama’at to come together and support these centers established under the Jamaat structure.
This varies from Jama’at to Jama’at. But in our experience, approximately one center is required for every 30 members.
According to Holy Prophet (sa) males who have memorized a large part of the Quran, or those who are senior, or those whose level of righteousness is high should be preferred to lead Salat. However, this decision can be made after consulting with the local Tarbiyat Secretary / President.
We recommend that you don’t establish another salat center within a 10-15 minute of driving time from your local mosque. Mosques serve as our first local salat center and should be given priority.