Setting up Spiritual Fitness Camp

Plan Ahead

Lock your date
  • Pro-Tip: Best to use National calendar dates. There should be NO scheduling conflict with any other Jamaat program on that weekend. If you get some push back on these dates, please let NTD know as soon as possible so that we can help you with coordinating with the other program owner.
  • Pro-Tip: Block dates on local jamaat calendar. Speak to your local President Sahib and block the selected dates/weekends on your local jamaat calendar asap. This ensures that there will be no conflict with competing events in the months ahead.
  • Pro-Tip: Some jamaats elect to hold their SF Camp during children’s winter holidays; e.g., Dec 30th, 31stending with Tahajjud and Fajr on Jan 1st. That is fine.
Secure availability of your local Missionary
  • Pro-Tip: Do this first. Speak to your local Missionary sahib and confirm his availability for the selected date(s). As a reminder, this is a Missionary-led Camp, so please consult and include your Missionary Sahib in scheduling and planning. The Camp should be scheduled with the presence of your Missionary Sahib and his availability in mind. In the absence of a local Missionary, work with regional Missionary to travel to your Jamaat for the camp.
Inform key participants. Inform National Tarbiyat Department (NTD) of your scheduled Camp dates. Identify a Principal. Make the SF Camps known locally as well.
  • Pro-Tip: Align plans with local Qaid and Lajna President and seek their help in arranging the Camp. Advertise dates of the Camp through auxiliaries and Tahir Academy as needed. 
Submit your budget. The cost for SF Camps is typically borne by the National Tarbiyat Department.  Make sure you plan and budget, and get the budget pre-approved.
  • Pro-Tip: Submit your budget in advance for timely pre-approval.
  • Pro-Tip: The budget is dependent on the number of youth who will attend. It literally pays to advertise your Camp and prioritize securing maximum youth attendance.
  • Pro-Tip: Familiarize yourself with the budgeting formula (consult the Guidelines for Oragnizers document for details). Budgeting Formula: (a) National Tarbiyat Department will typically reimburse up to $15/student/day for food and supplies. (b) Another $20/student can be reimbursed for a field trip. (y) Number of students attending Camp.
Food Budget: y x a [Number of students x $15]
Field Trip/Activities Budget: y x b [Number of students x $20]
  • Pro-Tip: Some jamaats have enhanced the field-trip experience for their students by using the NTD budget as a subsidy. Local Jama'at funds or parent contributions have been obtained to cover the difference if the chosen field trip/fun activity costs more than what the budget covers.
  • Pro-Tip: Be diligent with expenses and keeping proper records (e.g., original receipts for all expenses, etc.) as this will facilitate reimbursements to you without delays. 
Don’t forget Nasirat! The camp is open to all Ahmadi Muslim youth. The camp should be open to both boys and girls. Please make sure that Islamic traditions are meticulously followed, that girls receive equal opportunities, pardah is observed, and proper arrangements for pardah are made.
  • Pro-Tip: Please ensure asap. that the local Lajna Sadr is involved in the decision-making process. 
Ziafat, sports/activity, pardah and safety arrangements. Plan these well. The success of your Camp depends on them.
  • Pro-Tip: For food/ziafat, plan a menu well in advance. Put yourself in the place of the youth, and think of what they would like to eat. Consult them. Same goes for the field trip/fun activity. “Brainstorm” with the youth in advance, as well as Sadr Lajna sahiba and Qaid sahib, as to what the youth would like to do.
  • Pro-Tip: Please ensure all team members (teachers, volunteers, etc.) have signed and are entirely familiar with the “Safeguarding Policy for Children and Vulnerable Adults.”
Advertise. Start communicating with, and advertising to parents and youth and solicit their presence and support. Announce the Camp to your entire jamaat membership.
  • Pro-Tip: Make and put up a SF Camp flyer on both Men and Lajna sides in mosque. Distribute flyer electronically. Include in Jumu'ah announcements in the weeks leading up to the Camp. Use Tahir Academy and auxiliary distribution/communication channels (e.g, WhatsApp) as needed.
  • Pro-Tip: If you don’t have a SF Camp flyer, inquire on the Tarbiyat Secretaries WhatsApp chat group. Another jamaat may have one that you can use for your own local needs

Make a Team

Form a “real” SF Camp Team. Although a Missionary will be leading the Camp, you will require local teaching staff and local teaching resources. The SF Camp team includes local / regional Missionary, Lajna President, Qaid MKA, a Principal, and others you identify. Details on sample SF Camp Team are provided in the “Guidelines for Organizers” document.
  • Pro-Tip: Don’t try to wing it! SF Camps are hard, but with prayers, lots of help is available. Make a strong and committed local team. Assign responsibilities. Assign volunteer and logistical support duties.
Preparation. Preparation. Preparation. Volunteer teachers (men and women) must prepare well. Consult your Missionary sahib and you must discuss any youth discussion or workshop plans with him.
  • Pro-Tip: Have a brief conference call/meeting with all teachers and Missionary sahib on a weekly basis a few weeks prior to the Camp to ensure everyone is familiar with their content and interactive lesson-plan. Also, confirm that everyone is familiar with and has signed the “Safeguarding Policy for Children and Vulnerable Adults”New Paragraph

Material / Resources

Review Program. The Camp program contents (agenda) have already been prepared by the National Tarbiyat Department. Review the program contents (agenda) and get a good understanding of the program objectives. Please stick to this program as closely as possible. Any questions, contact Missionary Sahib or NTD.

Pro-Tip: Rather than just viewing it online, we recommend downloading/printing a copy of the program and saving it for continued reference. 

Prepare detailed Schedule. Download sample schedule/agenda provided in the SF Camp section of the Spiritual Fitness website. Review with assigned missionary, President, Sadr. Lajna, Qaid MKA and distribute to the Jamaat. Modify for local Salat timings.

Pro-Tip: Modify for local Salat timings in consultation with your Missionary sahib. 

Resources. The website has guidelines, materials, schedules, best practices. Don’t forget to review and understand. Do familiarize yourself with all documents and download/print-out for ready reference as needed.

Pro-Tip: Read the “Guideline for Organizers” document first. And share with the SF Camp Team. 

Pro-Tip: The Checklist document is a checklist for a reason. Please use it.New Paragraph

Have fun!

Strive to make the Camp smooth, informative, inclusive, fun, and memorable for everyone (including yourself).
  • Pro-Tip: Camp should be very hands-on – interactive, children encouraged to voice thoughts, share opinions, ask questions, not be judged, inclusive, with everyone being respected,
  • Pro-Tip: Conduct a post-Camp survey. You may want to dedicate some time in the last session (and before the Camp concludes) where students, on both the boys’ and girls’ side, can come up one-by-one to a dedicated laptop/tablet and complete the survey
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